2022 - AVEVA PI World Amsterdam - Infrastructure T&D, Water, and Smart Cities
Utilizing PI System for TSO Analytics: holistic monitoring approach for TenneT TSO Asset management
TenneT TSO operates a considerable number of complex systems for energy transport that are geographically widely distributed. These include maintenance-intensive offshore systems, whose maintenance measures require a great deal of effort and planning. To optimize these necessary maintenance measures, an "Industry 4.0" solution enables smarter maintenance planning in a predictive, condition-based and optimized manner on the basis of advanced analytics from process and plant timeseries data.
By bringing together existing information from underlying individual subsystems into a common data infrastructure, digital twins are created for structured and systematically normalized/contextualized asset analytics that are made available in TenneT datacentre. The information is enriched with business-relevant data such as service intervals, asset information and operating capacity utilization.
- Transmission & Distribution
TenneT TSO
Dr. Amir Hashemi
A detail-oriented, perfectionist technologist with a natural curiosity focused on sensing technology, condition monitoring, control systems monitoring, information security, privacy compliance, risk management, security operations, cloud computing security, and systems administration.
Extensive experience in Sensing Technology and Monitoring, Network and Information Security Engineering, Infosec and Privacy Compliance, IT Operations, Technical Support, Information Systems Audit, and IT Security Program & Project Management in large and mid-sized companies and organizations.
A one-man army that is not only good at Sensing Technology, Monitoring, Cybersecurity Operations, Information Security and Cloud Architecture, but also a subject matter expert in Information Security and Privacy Compliance.
TenneT TSO
Armin Heinrich
Electrical engineer, specializing in information technology. For more than 25 years in the wide area of industrial automation technology, for 10 years in the field of critical infrastructure at TSO TenneT in germany. Currently responsible for information security (ISMS, based on ISO27000) and predictive analytics, means concepts for the provision of data from the OT-World for evaluation in IT for product improvement and long-term maintenance strategies.
Siemens Energy
Dr. Marcus Zeller
Marcus Zeller received the Dipl.-Ing. degree and the Dr.-Ing. degree ('with distinction') in electrical engineering, electronics, and information technology from the Friedrich-Alexander-University of Erlangen-Nuremberg (FAU), Erlangen, Germany, in 2006 and 2012, respectively. From 2006 to 2011 he was with the audio research group at the Chair of Multimedia Communications and Signal Processing (LMS) of the FAU, where he worked on adaptive filtering and nonlinear system identification. In 2012, he joined the Siemens AG in the department of power transmission solutions as R&D engineer for HVDC grid control & protection concepts. He has worked on new VSC concepts, multiterminal and bipolar transmission schemes as well as related modeling & simulation. As project manager he has led several R&Ds and is an active contributor to IEC/CENELEC standardisation. At Siemens Energy, he is recently involved in the field of condition-based maintenance with focus on data analytics.