2016 - Users Conference - Berlin - Oil & Gas
MOL Group: Supporting Operational Availability by Connecting the PI System and SAP PM
One of the largest oil and gas companies in the Central European region, the MOL Group will present two solutions in their existing IT architecture (the PI System and SAP PM) that support asset health management. The first solution addresses corrosion which is often the root cause of equipment failures, process unit downtimes, off-spec productions, contaminations and even accidents. To decrease corrosion they have implemented a monitoring system to track the parameters that can affect reliability and monitor Integrity Operating Windows (IOWs). One focus area among corrosion types was the High Temperature Hydrogen Attack (HTHA). To monitor these parameters they implemented Asset Framework (AF) structures and Asset Analytics to calculate the empirical Nelson curves.
The second solution improves preventive maintenance by creating a scheduling system by connecting SAP PM and PI System through WebLogic Middleware. SAP PM is the primary maintenance tool for maintenance process management, while the PI Server is their main process database with AF and Asset Analytics performing online calculations, which are needed for SAP PM to manage and schedule preventive maintenance. During the project they have implemented preventive maintenance strategies on two key asset groups. The estimated benefit of these pilots is 250 000 USD annual savings due to the increased operational availability.
MOL Group
Réka Erdei
Réka Erdei has been a Process Information Expert at MOL Group since 2015. She is responsible for supporting the business with tools like the PI System and Sigmafine for mass and energy reconciliation, process optimization, and process safety management. Furthermore, she has participated in the development process of many PI System-based solutions being used in the Danube Refinery. Mrs. Erdei holds an M.Sc. in Chemical Process Engineering.
MOL Group
Gábor Mucsina
Gábor Mucsina is a Process Information Expert at MOL Group with process information and process automation responsibilities. His main role is to support the business with tools and solutions for planning, process optimization, and process safety management. He has been working with the PI System as an administrator since 2013 and has participated in the development process of many PI System-based solutions being used in the Danube Refinery. Mr. Mucsina holds an M.Sc. in Chemical Engineering in the field of Process Automation.