Smart Campus FACENS is a living lab of Smart Cities, awarded inside and outside Brazil. Using the university campus as a place of prototyping, testing, analysis and replicating solutions for Smart Cities to convert real problems into applicable solutions in an urban context, supported by innovative thinking with commitment with the environment, social responsibility and be replicable in other cities. The program is supported by nine areas: ICT; Urbanization; Education; Energy; Mobility and Security; Health and Quality of Life; Industry and Business; Environment and Governance, using the PI System to support all the solutions that are developed. It has been featured in and outside Brazil for its innovative character, bringing theory to practice for its students, and recognized as the first IoT Reference Center by MCIT the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation.
Regiane Relva Romano
Has over 35 years of international experience working in technology and innovation. Former as Special Adviser to the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation in Brazil. Head of Research and General Coordinator at Smart Campus FACENS, a prototype of a Smart City inside the College, that received the Top Educacional/ABMES and the Innovation GS1 awards in 2016; Smart City UK-London in 2017; Best IoT Implementation Europe IdTechEx ; Top of Academy/RFIDBR/2018 and InovaCidade at Smart City Business America 2019. Also work as CEO at VIP-SYSTEMS Informática. Writer. Professor at FGV, FIA, ESALQ/USP, FDC, EINSTEIN and FACENS. International speaker. Consultant of innovation and technologies applied to businesses, retail and Smart Cities.