Solution Overview
TQS’s Application Lifecycle Management (TQS ALM) Validation and Qualification Tool is a Script Library capable of being employed to test and validate all OSIsoft PI System Products or PI System Applications.
TQS Integration’s Application Lifecycle Management (TQS ALM) Validation and Qualification Tool for Installation & Operational verification to provide end-to-end testing, validation and qualification for the deployment of OSIsoft PI System Products or Application Software Components; such as the PI Application Server, Asset Framework and Event Frames, RtReports, PI Advanced Calculation Engine (PI ACE), Notifications, PI Client Tools including PI Vision, PI Integrators, PI Interface Components, as well as scripts for Emerson, Rockwell, Wonderware, Siemens, GE, Honeywell, Yokagawa and ABB.
TQS’ Application Lifecycle Management (TQS ALM) Validation and Qualification Tool is a Script Library capable of being used for all OSIsoft PI System Product or PI System Application deployments. The library will support the validation testing required for a project related to an OSIsoft PI System Application upgrade, as well as a project related to a validated OSIsoft AF Template creation, OSIsoft PI Analysis Calculation or Notification email for configurable alerts. Once a set of test scripts, execution steps, operating procedures, and validation checklists are developed and approved by QA, one would have all the necessary scripts for future validation of any changes or upgrades to the OSIsoft PI System so there would be long-term benefits of electronic validation, eliminating the possibility of errors and omissions; whilst increasing productivity and efficiencies of upgrades; especially related to security patches. Additionally, sites globally will be able to leverage TQS' Application Lifecycle Management Validation and Qualification Tool for any / all control system integration projects, i.e. interface deployments at sites can be validated electronically, enabling global resource sharing and compliance visibility. The scripts are written agnostically, so they are not tied to an individual OSIsoft PI System Product or Application Platform.
Solution Approach
TQS Integration’s Application Lifecycle Management (TQS ALM) Validation and Qualification Tool is a Script Library capable of being used in all OSIsoft PI System Product or PI System Application deployments. The TQS ALM Script Library will support the validation testing required for a specific project related to an OSIsoft PI System Product or PI System Application software upgrade, as well as a project related to a validated OSIsoft AF Template creation, an OSIsoft PI System Analysis Calculation or a PI Notification email for configurable alerts. The scripts are written agnostically, so that they are not tied to an individual OSIsoft PI System Product or a PI System Application Platform.